2. The magic component in the game is very strong. The logic is based on the ideas of real alchemists of medieval Europe (and supplemented by the authors).
3. You can create a phoenix, but not a lawn mower! High-tech items cannot be created, at least most of them. Play Alchemy game online at tublm.com. Alchemy is one of our handpicked strategy games that can be played on any device."> 2. The magic component in the game is very strong. The logic is based on the ideas of real alchemists of medieval Europe (and supplemented by the authors).
3. You can create a phoenix, but not a lawn mower! High-tech items cannot be created, at least most of them. game for free online at tublm.com."> 2. The magic component in the game is very strong. The logic is based on the ideas of real alchemists of medieval Europe (and supplemented by the authors).
3. You can create a phoenix, but not a lawn mower! High-tech items cannot be created, at least most of them. Play Alchemy, a free online game provided by tublm.com. Alchemy is a fun game you can play on any device.">
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Alchemy Game on Tublm.com

The combination of two elements generates a third. Experiment to discover them all!
About logic:
1. Each component can be perceived both literally and figuratively in different situations. For example, "water" can represent both water and a fluidity property.
2. The magic component in the game is very strong. The logic is based on the ideas of real alchemists of medieval Europe (and supplemented by the authors).
3. You can create a phoenix, but not a lawn mower! High-tech items cannot be created, at least most of them.

How to play:
To check whether the 2 elements react, drag (mouse or finger) one on the other and release. In case of difficulties, you can always use the hint for advertising. You can also pull out any open item from the inventory by simply clicking on the desired item

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