When wearing a lot of denim you have to come up with some amazing hairstyles that will nicely complement your chosen outfit. Jenny here is also a huge denim fan and she came with a couple of hairstyles she loves to wear when choosing a denim shirt or dress… they are mostly braids and for sure you ladies are going to have a great time learning how to arrange you hair for a casual-chic look. So join our cutie in getting the ‘Denim Hairstyles’ game for girls started and begin by helping sweet Jenny wash her hair strands for the hairstyling process. Once you’re done, you can then go to the next page of the game and browse though her catalog of selected hairstyles and pick the one you’d like for her. Some of those hairstyles require a color change and you’ll have to dye Jenny’s hair in different shades and others require some more skill at weaving strands of hair, but if you follow all the steps you’ll surely come up with an outstanding result. Great job, ladies! Now it’s time to choose a l