The end of the world has come; However, it has not been as the myths told. Little Cthulhu, eager to meet the world and taking advantage of his father's deep sleep, decided to escape. Unfortunately, the chaos was unleashed... and now he tries to return to R'lyeh before his father wakes up and realizes the disaster.


• Easy to play with one single finger.
• Dodge or destroy obstacles and enemies.
• Story mode with 5 different worlds.
• Unlock the arcade mode and play with an increasing difficulty and unlimite souls.
• One different song for each level.

Download it on mobile from : Play The Little Cthulhu game online at The Little Cthulhu is one of our handpicked strategy games that can be played on any device.">
The end of the world has come; However, it has not been as the myths told. Little Cthulhu, eager to meet the world and taking advantage of his father's deep sleep, decided to escape. Unfortunately, the chaos was unleashed... and now he tries to return to R'lyeh before his father wakes up and realizes the disaster.


• Easy to play with one single finger.
• Dodge or destroy obstacles and enemies.
• Story mode with 5 different worlds.
• Unlock the arcade mode and play with an increasing difficulty and unlimite souls.
• One different song for each level.

Download it on mobile from : game for free online at">
The end of the world has come; However, it has not been as the myths told. Little Cthulhu, eager to meet the world and taking advantage of his father's deep sleep, decided to escape. Unfortunately, the chaos was unleashed... and now he tries to return to R'lyeh before his father wakes up and realizes the disaster.


• Easy to play with one single finger.
• Dodge or destroy obstacles and enemies.
• Story mode with 5 different worlds.
• Unlock the arcade mode and play with an increasing difficulty and unlimite souls.
• One different song for each level.

Download it on mobile from : Play The Little Cthulhu, a free online game provided by The Little Cthulhu is a fun game you can play on any device.">
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The Little Cthulhu

The Little Cthulhu Game on

"Fly with The Little Cthulhu and return to R'lyeh before father Cthulhu wakes up."

The end of the world has come; However, it has not been as the myths told. Little Cthulhu, eager to meet the world and taking advantage of his father's deep sleep, decided to escape. Unfortunately, the chaos was unleashed... and now he tries to return to R'lyeh before his father wakes up and realizes the disaster.


• Easy to play with one single finger.
• Dodge or destroy obstacles and enemies.
• Story mode with 5 different worlds.
• Unlock the arcade mode and play with an increasing difficulty and unlimite souls.
• One different song for each level.

Download it on mobile from :

How to play:
• Easy to play with one single hand.
- Left click to fly.

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